A. a reflex.
Reflex is an involuntary and instantaneous movement in response to a change in environment. Movement of hand away from hot or cold body and Coughing or sneezing etc are the examples of reflex actions. Reflex actions are involuntary which means can not be control by human body. These actions are present in every individual from its birth and unlearned which work automatically in the body.
selection bias.
Selection bias occurs when sample selection of people to represent a population does not contain the expected representation for the study. Selection Bias can happen when there is sampling and selection error for population analysis, leading to wrong conclusions due to lack of correct randomization.
The middle east nation that is governed by a parliamentary democracy is Israel (C). Israel is a parliamentary republic, the only democracy contrasted in the middle east, formed by the legislative, executive and judicial powers.
What is a group of islands called?
Why is an archipelago An archipelago is a group of islands. The archipelagos are generally found in the open sea, rarely close to a continent. They are often volcanic, and are therefore often along the submarine ridges or hotspots, but there are many other processes that can generate this phenomenon, including erosion and deposition of sediment.