hope it helps...
They wanted to seek peace and avoid suffering during a difficult, violent time.
us put the implementation of policies in an Environment perspective as an
Provincial Government is tasked in translating environmental guidelines regionally.
The provincial governments brainstorm and implement regional policies and plans
for the benefit of the residents living in the area. Municipal Government, on
the other hand, establishes policies catering the nation. They have the
capacity to have the means (legally and financially) to implement the policies.
They may also coordinate with the authorities ensure the implementation.</span>
1, 2, 5, 6
3, 7, 8
Reformation which refers to act or process of reforming an institution or practice, occurred in 16th century, which is termed as Reformation movement, to reform the abuses in the Roman Church, hence, resulted into establishment of Reformed and Protestant Churches.
While Counter Reformation often referred as Catholic reformation was a response to Reformation insurgency that birthed the Protestant and Reformed Churches.
A. Reformation
1. Protestant sects spread across Europe
2. Calvinism developed
5. Martin Luther is excommunicated from the Catholic Church
6. A theocracy was set up in Switzerland
B. Counter-Reformation
3. Spain forced Jews to leave the country
7. Jews in Venice were forced to live in a ghetto
8. Religious intolerance increased
What are the choices?
I'd go with a university or gov or edu source or other credible one.