Someone who was sexually assaulted.
Posttraumatic stress disorder is an anxiety disorder characterized by a set of physical, psychic and emotional signs and symptoms as a result of the carrier having been the victim or witness of violent acts or traumatic situations that in general posed a threat to his or her life. to the lives of others. When he remembers the fact, he relives the episode, as if it were occurring at that moment and with the same sense of pain and suffering that the stressor caused. This memory, known as revival, triggers neurophysiological and mental changes.
The most common cases of post-traumatic stress disorder are those that involve sexual abuse, terrorism, torture, assault, kidnapping, accidents, war, natural or provoked disasters, develop this type of disorder.
<u>Marginal Costs & Marginal benefits in a choice you made.</u>
Assume that I want to buy an ornament for hands. I spend $500 for purchasing an ornament. When I was supposed to see another I wish to buy that. But spending again for the ornaments also not a good idea. I am also not willing in spending $500 for the ornament. So, I decided to go for an ornament that costed only $250. No, my marginal benefit get decreased from $500 to $250. When I decided to go fro the second one or more than one of same good my marginal benefits decrease.
Marginal cost is something that changes in a smaller range in the production of one additional unit. For example I decide to manufacture 500 pens. i need raw materials for the production and a building and machine for production. The change in the cost or expenses that happens when I decide to produce 600 pens is the marginal cost.
Answer: The deposit-creation potential of the banking system is $500 million.
Explanation: To solve: take the money that the banking system has in excess reserves $50 million and multiply it by the reserve ratio of 10%. $50,000,000 x 10 = $500,000,000
d. Both A and C
Classical Conditioning is <em>a learning strategy in which a person associates a stimulus that was previously neutral and results in a learned response.</em> This stimulus may be natural or unconditional because it automatically starts a response; or it may be conditional, that is, a previously neutral stimulus that now becomes associated with the unconditioned stimulus now starts a conditioned response.
In this scenario, the alcohol plus the drug (stimuli) induce vomiting (response). Therefore, the <u>conditioned stimulus is alcohol</u>, a previously neutral stimulus that becomes associated with the <u>drug, an unconditioned stimulus</u> which, in conjunction, <u>trigger a response: vomiting</u>.
3. Is Africa.
6. Is Africa.
8. Is Asia, United States, and South America.
9. North America and Asia.