he feels as thou the sea is a place of uncertainty at one minute. The sea can be your friend and then the next minuet it can be an unexpected unforgiving murderer.
Explanation: He wants to talk to her about how he feel.
The rhetorical device is used in the given sentence is, chiasmus.
Because A rhetorical device is a strategy used by authors or speakers to persuade readers or listeners to evaluate an issue from a particular perspective. It involves employing language that is intended to stimulate an emotive presentation of a particular perspective or action. Through the use of language, rhetorical devices can elicit an emotional response in the audience, although that is not their main goal.
Chiasmus, also known as chiasm, is the "reversal of grammatical structures in successive phrases or clauses - but no repetition of words" in rhetoric. The chiasmus has an effect. In addition to helping you communicate more with less, it draws attention to notions or ideas that are frequently used but contradict each other. With such a limited language, it serves as a "catchphrase" and catches the substance of a statement.
To know more about chiasmus:
A. To persuade is to make someone believe in something.
If you've actually read the short story, you'll notice that when The Misfit starts to explain his father's death that tension levels are raised up.
A angry
In the context, Ferrin is a name of a boy who is angry. He is not talking to anyone and is full of rage within himself.
Being angry is a state of being in hostility or showing displeasure. It is to having or to show a feeling of annoyance.
It is one of the emotion of our mind where we are upset of something and it deeply affects our mental mind and stability.