In Britain
The tradition of bobbing for apples dates back to the Roman invasion of Britain, when the conquering army merged their own celebrations with traditional Celtic festivals. The Romans brought with them the apple tree, a representation of the goddess of plenty, Pomona
North America , South America , Antarctica, Europe , Asia , Africa and Australia
relational aggression.
Relational aggression: In psychology, the term "relational aggression" is also referred to as "alternative aggression" and is described as one of the different types of aggression wherein harm is being caused as a consequence of damaging another person's social or relationships status. Therefore, relational aggression can be used in a variety of context including distinct age groups and is mostly found in adolescents.
In the question above, the given statement represents relational aggression.
Mate, your answer would be <span>eclectic therapy.
<u>Interpersonal racism (personally mediated) occurs between individuals. This is the bias that occurs when individuals interact with others and their personal racial beliefs affect their public interactions. Institutional racism occurs within institutions and systems of power.</u>