The answer is (are) because if you said "Each of these apples is torn", then it wouldn't make sense.
He spends a lot of time thinking about the way he looks.
Aside from Simone, Ma Tante as well as the other elderly people in the doctor's office and elderly people in general are treated unfairly in the story.
Debbie Rigaud's short story "Voilà!" revolves primarily around Simone and her great-aunt's relationship. But the story also delves into the issue of how the elderly are treated differently by the younger generations as well as how poorer people are treated. The author wants to portray that discrimination and bring it to the attention of the readers.
In the story, the great aunt <em>"Ma Tante"</em> is unfairly treated, as are the other elderly people in the run-down <em>"ghetto doctor's office"</em>. Another elderly that's treated unfairly is<em> "Mr. Charles Pemberton"</em> who Waverly insists on taking him on a wheelchair even though he can walk properly.
Aside from the elderly, the protagonist of the story Simone Thibodeaux also feels embarrassed for her background, for being different from her classmates. She admits<em> "My embarrassment at being seen in the ghetto doctor’s office outweighs my guilt."</em> Moreover, she is a Haitian, thereby resulting in different treatment from others, including the twin-nurse sisters and Waverly, who also made the suggestion that Simone helps the <em>"CARE-A-VAN"</em> volunteers by translating for them.
An example of proper Focus for an essay is "the biggest snowstorm of the decade"
When you are writing an essay, focusing is one important step since this will determine and delimitate your final work, it is important that the focus of the essay is well defined and has the opportunity to be expanded with supporting information, then "the biggest snowstorm of the decade" is a topic that can be broadly investigated and reported but at the same time has a clear focus that does not allow the writer to get lost in branches of the theme.
C. new laws have created a speachless world where communication is only through txeting;a young girl begins a underground movement to restore the world as it once was
Dystopia is a philosophical concept adopted by various authors and expressed in their fictional creations, in which they depict a society built in the opposite direction of utopia, which in turn provides for a perfect system, an ideal state, where the maximum happiness and the total harmony between its citizens. In other words, dystopia is a term widely used in science fiction literature and, as the name suggests, is the opposite of utopia. It's a world where nothing went right, it's completely wrong and dysfunctional.
A great example of dystopia is: "New laws have created a speachless world where communication is only through txeting;a young girl begins a underground movement to restore the world as it once was"