<span>ensuring that the endotracheal tube is secure</span>
There can but it will not last long. There are probably more carnivores because they were taking advantage of the supply of herbivores and now they will start to die off. So I guess my answer is no, not normally and not for a long time.
A decrease in biodiversity causes a decrease in ecosystem stability, because a change to one organism will have a greater impact on the entire ecosystem. With greater biodiversity, the loss of one type of organism could be moderated by the adaptation of other organisms to fill its role.
The energy pyramid describes decomposers compared to energy lost as heat. Primary producers start at 100% and it decreases to 10% at primary consumers, 1% at secondary, .1% at third level, and .01% at apex.
The biomass pyramid describes the total mass of an organism and as a biomass moves up, the overall mass is losing volume. This means it decreases as it moves from the bottom to the top.
Volume? Is that what you mean?