Beta carotene is a carotenoid present in the fruits and vegetables which provides the red and orange color. The beta carotene exists in the vegetables as a pigment.
The carotene for the first time was extracted from the carrot in 1831 and was found that it acts as a precursor of the vitamin A molecule in the organisms.
Thus consuming the beta carotene-rich fruits and vegetables like carrot, onion, spinach and others can be converted into the vitamin A called retinol form which can perform several functions in the body like increases eyesight.
Thus, eating carrots can improve the eyesight of the person.
Answer:unconditioned stimuli
Pavlov fed dogs and was looking at salivation in response to the food.
At a certain point, whenever he entered the
room, the dog would start to salivate even when he was not bringing them
food. The exact same happened to Dionne when she saw the chili peppers even though it was just a picture and not the real thing.
This it is an unconditioned response to an unconditioned
Gingivitis is inflammation in the gum tissues...itis meant inflammation..gingi means gum
Answer: B
Flexor carpi ulnaris always you to make a fist with your hand.
The correct answer is social cognition.
It means that these children are aware of their surroundings, which consist of various people in their life, such as family, and later on friends. It also refers to their mental representation of themselves, and how they perceive themselves in the world.