Plants roots display positive gravitropism which means they grow in the direction of gravity
Difference Between Lunar Eclipse And New Moon. Lunar Eclipse occurs when the earth comes between the sun and the moon in such a way that it blocks the sun's rays completely from reaching the moon. New moon is the phase of the moon during its monthly orbit when the moon lies between the sun and the earth
Explanation: Your welcome!
Mostly false though.
If an animal wanted to eat a person that died from a mutation they could but I would say that would be a rare occurance.
Key word: slide
Think of sliding down a WATER slide.
Classrooms and Corridors: People rushing, locker doors, loose school items
On the territory surrounding the school: Rocks, trees, animals?, if not animals then: people
In the school: people, doors, bathrooms(no cameras)
In the settlement: People, doors, rocks
if an earthquake happens get in a doorframe and/or get on the ground and put your hands over your neck.
You should follow the teacher or staff's instructions
If you are alone find other people
(YOU KNOW THE NUMBERS i cant tell you)