prefix is anti
prefix meaning is against
What’s this ? I don’t understand your question.
2. Metaphor
6. Simile
I'm not really sure of the rest but, metaphor is to say something is. Simile is like or as. Hyperbole is like an over exaggeration. It could also be verbal irony which is saying something you don't really mean, but I'm pretty sure that it's Hyperbole. The Lit Devices are: Hyperbole, Foreshadowing, Theme, Dramatic Irony, Verbal Irony, Metaphor, Simile. If you look up the meanings to those it should help. I hope I was helpful somewhat
These children who could never remember a time where their wasn’t rain and rain and rain.
Meter - Meter is a stressed and unstressed syllabic pattern in a verse, or within the lines of a poem. Stressed syllables tend to be longer, and unstressed shorter. In simple language, meter is a poetic device that serves as a linguistic sound pattern for the verses, as it gives poetry a rhythmical and melodious sound