Your study habits are those of what you do to learn new material and study for tests. These may include flash cards or using the popular sight called quizlet. Memorizing is a key aspect in study habits. Note taking is additional help. Taking notes inputs the information in one's brain while writing them and helps them remember it easier. Additionally notes are good for referencing later. For classes with lots of reading it means reading all the text however in this aspect note taking is tough but one just needs to make sure they know the full points.
Hope this helps
<h2>Keywords that will appeal to ethos, logos, and pathos. Transition words will help u identify.</h2>
Hope this helped
Elie Wiesel, the older version of Eliezer, the death camp survivor, has dedicated his life to serving mankind and to prevent human rights atrocities, showing the world that humankind is capable of goodness, notwithstanding its inherent evil.