<em>C. constructed advanced irrigation systems
The western religion expanded through the New Mexico from Arizona and through Colorado and other nations. There was a variety of Indian groups who practiced different cultural practices. However there was a group that dwelled in these regions called the Pueblo, they were given this name by the Spanish because they lived in villages and towns on mud building and thatched roofs.
The pueblo community was classified into three groups, and their main activity was the construction of irrigation systems as a way of living.
We have all noticed that if we hike from a place with low elevation and go up at a place with high elevation, that the temperature is gradually dropping, thus giving us a clue that the lower places are warmer, while the higher places are cooler. The reason for this, even though both the places with low and high elevation are located in the troposphere, thus the same atmospheric layer, is that the density of it is not the same everywhere. The troposphere has the highest density at its lowest points, and as the height increase the density decreases. Since the higher parts are less dense, that means that there are less gases, thus there are less molecules that are further apart from each other. This results in lesser absorption of heat, so this parts are cooler, while the lower parts are warmer because the troposphere is denser, there's more molecules that are also closer to each other, thus they absorb more heat.
Answer: B.access to natural resources
The western United States has several different types of natural resources such as oil, gold, silver, coal, copper, lead, and timber.
Hope this helps! :)