Debt / Equity = 0.72649 : 1 or 72.649%
The ROE or return on equity can be calculated using the Du Pont equation. It breaks the ROE into three components. The formula for ROE under Du Pont is,
ROE = Net Income / Sales * Sales / Total Assets * Total Assets / Shareholder's equity
ROE = Net Income / Total equity
Assuming that sales is $100.
Net Income = 100 * 0.051 = 5.1
Total Assets = 100 / 1.84
Total Assets = 54.35
0.162 = 5.1 / Total equity
Total Equity = 5.1 / 0.162
Total Equity = 31.48
We know that Assets = Debt + Equity
54.35 = Debt + 31.48
Debt = 54.35 - 31.48
Debt = 22.87
Debt / Equity = 22.87 / 31.48
Debt / Equity = 0.72649 : 1 or 72.649%
Cover letters can also provide insight and explanation into sensitive information that your resume cannot, such as lapses in employment, career changes and layoffs.
Explanation: I put this as my answer and got it right. :)
the new York based artist is a good deal of a new kind and you will be the best way you have to be the best thing you need for the people
The formula is not used if consumer demand and ordering and holding costs are not constant.
E.O.Q formula measures the ideal quantity of order a company should purchase in order to minimize its inventory costs, such as holding costs and shortage costs. The formula, however has its limitations, in a way that it assumes that the costumer demand is constant and ordering and holding costs remain constant. This makes formula hard to use in case of seasonal changes of demand, inventory costs or lost sales revenue due to inventory shortages.
C. Summary business plan
A "business plan" is very important in order for a person to assess the success of his business. Among the choices above, the best answer is the <em>"Summary business plan." </em>This allows the entrepreneur to summarize the important points needed and to provide solid case of his business idea. This should also be clear and concise because it is going to be read by people who will be investing in the business. Examples of these groups are the <em>banks and investors.</em>
For startup business, it is important to include the following in the summary business plan: <em>business opportunity, target market, business model, marketing and sales strategy, financial analysis, competition, implementation plan, owners/staff, etc.</em>
So, this explains the answer.