President Ford's policy toward the Soviet Union focused on "<span>c. continuing to pursue detente" since this system seemed to be working relatively well and Ford did not want to alter it. </span>
The fifteenth Amendment covers
the right to vote regardless of color. It did not allow states from denying any
citizen the right to vote on the grounds of race, color, or previous condition
as a slave. The African American men granted the right to vote.
- The U.S. colonists seceded from Great Britain simply because they did not like the taxes King George had imposed, and the taxes were reasonable. They were simply to make up for the money that was lost while defending the colonists, but they decided to revolt and secede in order to create a government they thought just.
- The natural god given rights is life, liberty, and property. To deny someone the ability to secede would be to deny one his/her right to all three of these rights.
- Entering the union was a voluntary act; therefore it should be legal to leave the union whenever any one state pleases.
<em>(Sorry for such a late and short answer!)</em>
European exploration, exploration of regions of Earth for scientific, commercial, religious, military, and other purposes by Europeans, beginning about the 4th century BCE.
The motives that spur human beings to examine their environment are many. Strong among them are the satisfaction of curiosity, the pursuit of trade, the spread of religion, and the desire for security and political power. At different times and in different places, different motives are dominant. Sometimes one motive inspires the promoters of discovery, and another motive may inspire the individuals who carry out the search.
5:120-121 Exploring: Do You Want to Be an Explorer?, Ferdinand Magellan & ship; ugly fish, sharks, etc.; ship sails through a channel; Cortes discovers Aztec Indians; pyramids, floating island homes, corn
<u>Prophecy of the Volva</u>
Voluspa, or more accurately Völuspá is the first set of Viking Age poetry in the Poetic Edda, a Norse Mythology Book, some might say THE Norse Mythology book! The Völuspá translates to mean the “Prophecy of the Volva” or “Prophecy of the Seer.” A Volva was a wise-woman in old Norse culture.
It is commonly thought that the poem was composed in Iceland about the year 1000, when Icelanders perceived the fall of their ancient gods and the approach of Christianity. The story is told by an age-old seeress who was reared by primeval giants.
It tells the story of the creation of the world and its coming end, related to the audience by a völva(a Viking witch was known as a Völva, and they were considered to be powerful seeresses, shamans as well as workers of Seidr magic) addressing Odin. It is one of the most important primary sources for the study of Norse mythology. Henry Adam Bellows proposed a 10th-century dating and authorship by a pagan Icelander with knowledge of Christianity.