Atticus says this because if he hadn't have taken the case, he would've been a hypocrite. He knew that Tom had a right to a fair trial, and if he had swayed to public opinion and neglected to give him one, he would've been going against his belief in justice.
idk i guessed lol
A Sound of Thunder!
I agree with this answer because its a bit more believeable than the second story, at least in my opinion. The difference between science fiction and all-out fiction is that science fiction has at least a semblance of basis in science! It may not be science we have or understand now but its a genuinely possible event given our knowledge of the universe!
The Cyclops were remarkably huge beasts who led an unconventional lifestyle as described by Odysseus. According to Odysseus the Cyclops were lawless brutes. They never tended their fields and only relied on the naturally growing plants and the goats they kept for sustenance.
u can trim it s ofc but i love that book i wrote a hole 10 page essay on it
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