Derecho a la Libertad. La libertad es un derecho sagrado e imprescriptible que todos los seres humanos poseen. La libertad es la facultad de obrar según su voluntad, respetando la ley y el derecho ajeno.
El derecho a la igualdad significa que todo ser humano, desde su nacimiento, debe ser reconocido como igual ante la ley, por parte de los Estados1. Esto implica que todos los seres humanos pueden disfrutar de todos los derechos sin que haya lugar a distinción alguna por motivos de raza, color, sexo, idioma, religión, opinión política o de cualquier otra índole, origen nacional o social, posición económica, nacimiento o cualquier otra condición.2
Asia is one of the world's seven continents. It is the world's most populated continent. 4,299 million people lived there in 2013, 60 per cent of the world's population.
Countries of East Asia
East Asia is generally understood to consist of China, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macau
<em>Characteristics of East Asia.</em>
<em>a rapidly growing economy
<em>their economy is moving away from being based on mainly primary industry
<em>investments in manufacturing (secondary) and technology (quaternary) industries
<em>attracts multinational companies
<em>a large workforce, reliable and initially prepared to work for long hours for little pay</em>
<em />
introduce another character vs. society conflict.
Sylvia Plath born in October 1932, was a short-story writer, poet and novelist of America descent. Most of the works of this Massachusetts –born lady was published when she died of depression in 1963.
In one of her works, the Initiation, she rightly conveyed a story of a young woman who was trying to be in an exclusive club as a way of fitting in with friends or societal expectations. She did not achieve that when she later found how best she could be herself and through conflict, characterization and symbolism, Sylvia path showed the importance of being oneself.
The American short-story writer, in this work, brought in the principal and teachers into the picture as an instance of conflict between society and individual expression.
Answer: stimulus generalization.
Stimulus generalization can happen in classical conditioning as well as in operant conditioning. When it´s in operant conditioning, stimulus generalization describes the way people learn something in a specific situation and then can apply it to different but similar circumstances.
In this example, Jessi first learned at preschool that to get a snack she has to wash her hands. Instead of having to relearn this practice at home, she applied the same rule she had already learned.
Self awareness means being aware of different aspects of behaviours and feelings like being focused and full of attention to the things around you, basically just being aware of yourself etc.