Your smart enough to figure things out on your own.
Is it a popular vote or ballot?
The Transportation of taro root crops, and pigs,as well as domestic chickens and small dogs in some groups,when tied up or kept in a cage,can be carried on a large sail boat or canoes,while the people row the oars ,in Hawaii all of these animals were brought to Hawaii by the Polynesian settlers,but New Zealand was too cold for the chickens to survive, the dogs and pigs I don't know
The Crittenden Compromise was an unsuccessful proposal to permanently enshrine slavery in the United States Constitution, and thereby make it unconstitutional for future congresses to end slavery. It was introduced by United States Senator John J. Crittenden on December 18, 1860.
Imperialism deals with how respected and vast a country is internationally. The factors include economic, military, and cultural influence of a country internationally.
The United States achieved this by factors such as national pride, Manifest Destiny and business interests. The United States were only among few countries which had high technological prowess and advancement. The industrialization made the American businessmen to seek new international markets in which to sell their goods and thereby making it a global market and increased its popularity.