I'd say Solar energy is a source we humans could use in the future
Linear DNA is unstable in bacterial cells and unless the lac+ gene is recombined into the bacterial chromosome, it will be destroyed.
Bacterial recombination is a kind of hereditary recombination in microorganisms described by DNA move starting with one life form called giver then onto the next creature as beneficiary. This cycle happens in three principle ways:
1. Change, the take-up of exogenous DNA from the general condition.
2. Transduction, the infection interceded move of DNA between microscopic organisms.
3. Formation, the exchange of DNA starting with one bacterium then onto the next by means of cell-to-cell contact.
Recombination into the bacterial chromosome necessary because linear DNA is unstable in bacterial cells and unless the lac+ gene is recombined into the bacterial chromosome, it will be destroyed.
Arrows show the flow of energy after photosynthesis takes place
The pharynx and esophagus possesss all of the basic histological layers of the gastrtointestinal tract (GI tract). The layers are:
- mucosa - layer closer to lumen which cocnsists of epithelium, lamina propria and muscularis mucosae
- submucosa-layer of loose connective tissue with vessels
- muscularis propria-layer of inner circular and outer longitudinal muscular layers
- adventia - layer of loose connective tissue