In facilitated diffusion molecules only move with the aid of a protein in the membrane. Normal diffusion requires molecules to move through a special doorway
Interphase, Mitosis, Cytokinesis
The three stages of interphase are called G1, S, and G2.
The stages of mitosis are prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.
Cytokinesis is the splitting of the cell.
A pituitary glad tumor releasing too much hormones
The synthesis of diphenylacetylene from mesostilbene dibromide includes next reactions:
• Bromination of stilbene-it is the reaction of electrophilic adition and bromonium ion is formed as intermedier (meso compound is the product).
• Bimolecular elimination-strong base is used in this reaction (takes away the H) and pi bond is formed.