The board district won the case. The Supreme Court stated that suspicionless drug testing of students participating in competitive extracurricular activities did not violate the Fourth Amendment. Public schools now have the right to conduct mandatory drug testing if they wish to participate in a sport.
Civil disobedience-- Martin Luther King Jr. used civil disobedience learned from men like Gandhi, Thoreau, and the teachings of Jesus Christ.
The method of civil disobedience uses boycotting, sit-ins, and non-violent protest. Martin Luther King Jr. organized the Montgomery Bus Boycott which was a boycott of the bus system started with Rosa Parks disobedience on segregated buses. It effectively attacked large economic systems which created change due to loss of income.
Allow us to have access to internet, and communicate global wide
There are no limitations on “human rights” because they do not exist in the natural world. If there were such things as “natural rights” there would be no need to define and enforce them since, being part of the natural world, they would require no human intervention.
I searched your question on the internet and the first thing I saw was that^^