The passage that best support the idea that Judy wants to fit in american culture is the one when she responds: "New York", after all I had been born away at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital"...
"Originally from the Caribbean" I answered vaguely. When a student is a foreigner or has immigrant parents, or is an immigrant him or herself, frequently finds it very difficult to fit in the new society. On the other hand, they have to deal with the lack of knowledge of some of the students about certain countries. Although it's not the case in this passage, because the character "was born in New York" , She still feels that it is not enough. For the "local ones" this does not define the person´s "origin", which in this case forces the character to try to explain where in the map is "her origin"
So they use general information to make it easier to understand. When She says: "From the Caribbean", she expects the other to understand better her explanation. However, as mentioned before, the information is still not
Tired, and possibly dehydrated.
The first thing that came to my mind when i read that phrase was that whatever this "script" is, it must be a pretty awesome piece of work.
how can I discuss that it is just impossible
I believe it is A. Because it’s talking about how the salt is a danger and letter A talks about the danger of it.