Answer:d 1991
when the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) under Foday Sankoh, with support of Liberian rebel leader Charles Taylor and his group, the National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NFPL), attempted to overthrow the government of Sierra Leonean President Joseph Momah.
Colons are not used to introduce lists.
Colons denote "that is to say" or
"here's what I mean."
They make sentences’ first parts not important
rather the sentence’s second part contains the important information.
Here are
some of the rules you could use for colons:
*Colons are uses upon introducing items.
*Do not use capital letters after a colon except if
it’s a proper noun.
*Do not use colons after a verb or preposition.
*For independent clauses, especially when the second
sentence explains the paragraph’s meaning, the use of colon is preferred.
*After a colon: capitalize the first letter of the
first word if it is a complete quotation.
<span> </span>
<span>Abigail Adams in her letter to John Adams, described the conditions of Boston after the British withdraw from the city by mentioning that 'm</span><span>any buildings have been burned to the ground and will have to be rebuilt.' This has been a result of the continuous firing of cannons the city experienced which also kept the citizens awake. </span>