A line has one dimension, length.
A plane consists of an infinite set of lines.
In a Topographic map, here are the programming values of each of that navgations:
N = positive value to the latitude
S= Negative value to the Latitude
W = Positive value to the longitude
E = Negative value to the longitude
Most programmers that work to create the topographic map choose to simply ommit the <span>N,S,W,&E</span> because it will save them a lot of time from having to type in a minus sign before most of their longitude values in code writing.<span>
Africa appears much bigger than the other landmasses on the Peters map projection.
There are numerous projection maps. All of them have some advantages and some disadvantages. One of those map projections in the Peters map projection or Gal-Peters map projection. This map projection's biggest problem is that it stretches certain parts of the world, some horizontally, some vertically.
On this map projection, Africa looks much bigger than it is, and it is comparable with the size of Asia even though Asia is much bigger in reality. The reason for this is that on the Peters map projection a vertical stretching occurrs around the Equator, and since the Equator passes around the middle of Africa the effect is the biggest at this landmass.
The answer is False. Majority of the countries that produces large quantities of crude oil are found from the Persian Gulf and are in the Middle East. These crude oil producing countries are Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Aradia and United Arab of Emirates.
the violent dissolution of Yugoslavia