Hello. Unfortunately it is not possible to have access to the unit that the question refers to, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, I will try to help you in the best possible way.
Cognates are words from different languages that have the same origin and therefore can present the same spelling or similar spelling. It is common for cognates to have the same meaning as well, but there are false cognates, which are extremely similar words that have different meanings.
An example of cognates between English and Spanish are the words "family" and "familia."
The Peruvian novelist is in the student residence.
1.Estos tomates estan mas frescos que esos tomates.
2.Este pollo es mas pequeno que el otro.
3.Ese aguacate esta mas maduro que este aguacate
5.Estas lechugas son mas pequena que esas lechugas.
6.Aquellos pimeintos estan mas maduros que esos pimientos.
Hope this helps :)