He saw her leaning toward the great shimmering walls of color and motion where the family talked and talked and talked to her, w
here the family prattled and chatted and said her name and smiled at her and said nothing of the bomb that was an inch, now a half inch, now a quarter inch from the top of the hotel.
This is a quote that comes from <em>Fahrenheit 451</em>, and shows the importance that television and technology have on the people who live in this society. In this text, we learn about Mildred, who is Montag's wife. Montag is imagining the scene in "Burning Bright," and he pictures the bombs falling on the city. He thinks of what Mildred would do at that moment, and concludes that she would probably be watching television, with no awareness of the bombs. We are able to see how deeply television impacts them as Mildred refers to the people on the television as "family."