The coastal plain features a ocean and beaches and high wind speeds. Inland plain features crops and farms and forests.
A. Most recent period of the Cenozoic era.
If scientists believe that the newly discovered gene has two alleles A and a and that the alleles show incomplete dominance, the best way to prove this is to look for subjects who are homozygous with respect to the different alleles. The offsprings will all have the genotype of Aa and if indeed, the alleles show incomplete the dominance, the traits of the first generation will not manifest completely but a mixture of two will.
The greatest of environmental factors on phenotype is on phenotypic plasticity, phenotypes that may change due to changes in the environment; ex: snowshoe hare have brown-colored fur in summer/spring and white fur in winter. Environmental factors may affect gene expression which may result in normal/abnormal phenotypic changes.