Here we have some questions in Spanish, let's answer them, i will give a rough translation of each question.
1) Where do you sleep every night?
An answer to this may be a bed, or "cama" in Spanish.
2) What do you need to travel on a train?
You need a ticket or a "pasaje" in Spanish.
3) Who travels in a plane?
The passengers, o "los pasajeros" in Spanish.
4) What do you take to reach your floor in a big hotel?
An elevator, or "asensor" in Spanish.
5) What do you need to make your suitcases?
Having all your things ready and prepared, or "tener todas las cosas listas y prepardas" in Spanish. you also may need a lock, or "candado" to secure it.
6) Where you go to take a sunbath, swim, and surf?
To the beach, or "playa" in Spanish.