Some Athenians blamed the trouble on Solon, especially after he left the Athens for ten years. A lot of the old social norms re-appeared and their were irregularities in the reforms that Solon had recently implemented. Examples of this were very prominent in the government where some officials who had been elected refused to Stand down or important posts were left open, with no one to fill them. After solons rule followed a tyranny by one of his family members and Solon proved disappointment for the Athenians, whom he said should have stopped him.
The answer to this problem is the "prejudiced nondiscriminators". Based on Mr. Robert Merton's typology of prejudice anddiscriminationn, prejudiced nondiscriminators may have no personal prejudice but still engage in discrimnatory bahavior because of the peer-group pressure or economic, political r social interest. Mr. Robert Merton is a known sociologist and he was being recognized on all of his contributions in the field of sociology.
Answer: Basic Research
Explanation: Basic research is done specifically to add to our general understanding of psychology, like distinguishing the components of extraversion or predicting the time it takes a person to determine whether an object is a face or another object.
B. A senator can rerequest that the prisedent veto the bill
<span>I believe in this instance you would be profiling them. You would be examining their behavior to see if there is anything to suggest that they might actually commit a dangerous act. This would be something that a detective or police officer would do.</span>