a. Paul et Mary ont deux voitures noires.
b. Ana, Paula, et René ont une maison blanche.
2. Write the correct pronoun in French.
<em>a. Jessica, Nadine, et le frère. ( Ils, )</em>
<em>b. Luis, Ana, Cristina, et la soeur ( Ils)</em>
3. Write the correct verb in French.
<em>Paul, Ana, et Rosita (ont) deux maisons</em>
<em>Mon amie et moi ( avons) à la maison.</em>
The macrophage looks like an amoeba and flows around the germ to take it into itself, there to be dissolved by certain chemicals or enzymes
Tourism.<span>Hotel is considered as the backbone of tourism industry because hotel services are provided with the travel sevices .Moreover hotels could accumulate</span>
But I watch your eyes as she Walks by
What a sight for sore eyes
Brighter than the blue sky
She's got you mesmerised
while I die
Why would you ever kiss me ?
I'm not even half as pretty
You gave her your sweater,
it's just polyester
But you like her better
Wish I were Heather