The cart will go to the right because it has two persons pushing it whilst on the other side only one member is pushing.
Section B
I believe it is section B because "any time period" could relate to both drama and comedy.
The event at 11N. Elm was significant for Montag. Here he meets Mrts. Blake, the owner of the house filled with books that they have to burn. She is adamant not to leave her house and books. Before she gets burned with her books, the woman said the quote "Play the man, Master Ridley; we shall this day light such a candle, by God's grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out." This line is very significant because the woman wants to imply that may her death serve as the spark that will light up a revolution against the government and their stamping out of free thinking. She wants to serve as an example on why she is willing to sacrifice her life for her beliefs. It is significant in understanding fahrenheit 451 because it is the turning point for the protagonist Montag to finally go with his principles and go against the government.
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a large or excessive ammount
google said it not me
The correct answer is B, inadequate.
The nymph says that IF we didn't grow old, and IF shepherd's always told the truth, THEN "these pretty pleasures might me move."
However, the promises made by the shepherd are inadequate. They will not say young forever and shepherd's do not always tell the truth. She needs more than the promise of flowers and songs. His offers are not enough to make her decide to go live with him and be his love.
She is not insulted by his words, but she realizes what he offers is not enough. She regards the shepherd's offer of love as inadequate. Therefore, the correct answer is B.