Complementary is a color scheme using one base color and its complement, the color on the exact opposite side of the color wheel. The base color is main and dominant, while the complementary color is used only as an accent. A combination of one warm and one cold color is always created.
Art from the past holds clues to life in the past. By looking at a work of art's symbolism, colors, and materials, we can learn about the culture that produced it. ... We also can compare artwork, which provides different perspectives, and gives us a well-rounded way of looking at events, situations, and people
aman won $114000000 in lottery. Express this amount in (a) gigadollars
(b) tetradollars
$114000000 = 0.114 (a) gigadollars
$114000000 = 1.14*10 raised to negative 4 teradollars
Answer: Stage Craft, Acting, Singing, Dance