Annotating is the closest technique in the process of close reading.
Annotating the process of writing detailed notes around said paragraph. It doesn't just mean to take notes, you could also be highlighting or underlining some terms. I can't clearly describe it because you can practically do anything here.
If you do a Google search for the definition of annotation, you get...
<em>"a</em><span><em> note of explanation or comment added to a text or diagram."</em></span>
A Few Examples
-The king refused to assess law regarding immigration
- Raising condition of new appropriation land
- the king would not allow the court of justice to be established
<em>Option (C): had lived</em>
because moved is in past tense so u should use past perfect tense which is had lived... got it
Habeas corpus is a form of written command <span>in the name of a court or other legal authority to act , </span>that is used to bring a party who has been criminally convicted in state court into federal court.
A Walk to Remember.
Being a cancer patient myself, I understand how both might experience what they did. She was angry with him because he reminded her that she may not see graduation let alone marriage.
He lacked a lot of understanding in the beginning until she tamed him. He couldn't possibly understand, even at 18, what her problem was. Was it God? Was it what was left unfinished? Was it how he cleverly manipulated her deepest wishes -- like being in two places at once. Slowly she began to see that he was adapting to a philosophy of "Not me but thee." Like marriage. She looked the part of an emaciated cancer patient especially in the hospital.
The scene that is particularly heartbreaking for me was the scene between Landon and his father. I am a parent and I know how it feels to be dressed down by your kid especially when that kid is right. The father must have felt Landon's helplessness. So he did something about it. It is not unrealistic; it is just what fathers do.
It is a not to miss movie or book. Any well stocked library has a copy of one or the other or both.