D. Because the Sudanese government focused on rebels in general,
not a specific ethnic group.
Since the early 2000s, violence against the Sudanese government has been prevalent in the Darfur region. Although, it was not defined as genocide by the UN.
First, we need to understand what genocide is.
- Genocide is defined as the deliberate killing of a specific ethnicity, nationality, or religious group.
For the UN to declare something a genocide, a specific group, usually a minority, must be targeted for their unique traits, like ethnicity.
There are 5 forms of genocide:
- Killing members of a group
- Causing grave mental or physical harm
- Forcing purposely terrible living conditions
- Preventing new births
- Forcing children out of the group
One of these must occur to a specific group of people for the UN to declare genocide.
Atrocities in Darfur
While the Sudanese government did deliberately kill people within Darfur, the government attempted to attack rebels. So, the government did not specifically target the ethnicity. However, the majority of the rebels were from Darfur, so some people saw it as a genocide.
The correct answer is "The United States hoped to benefit from problems in Latin America.".
Latin American governments are considered as "faulty democracies" or "pseudo-democracies", as government institutions are constantly threated by external fights for power.
Latin America is also a region with many resources, therefore, by aiding governments in this region. The United States lays a path to good relationships with the regimes that will result in ease in trade relations and foreign investment by private American Enterprises in these countries.
have you ever watched the movie Pocahontas?
Fort Sumter. April 12, 1861
The right to bear arms ( the 2nd admendment ) means that by no mater what the government cannot take away our weapons, we have the right to protect our selves using guns
does not apply with criminals