I'll do you even better, I'll give you at least 5 or 6 reasons.
1. Rise of Al Qaeda (Founded in 1988 and funded during the Iraqi war by several nations including Saudi Arabia to bring down Shia government there)
2. U.S intervention is several nations causes outburst of common folk who join Al Qaeda.
3. Al Qaeda becomes involved with other groups who are now starting to form.
4. Syrian war intervention by the U.S, several other allied nations and Russia start several groups, that of which was once apart of Al Qaeda, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.
5. Progress in illegal trade, alignment with other groups and production of weapons compensates these groups.
6. The usage of speeches presented by the likes of demagogues as well as force recruitment and evening kidnapping gain more members to the cause.
Your answer is A. plea bargin because a plea bargin is an arrangment to stop something from happening or taking over
California's Mines After the Gold Rush As gold became more and more difficult to reach, the growing industrialization of mining drove more and more miners from independence into wage labor. The new technique of hydraulic mining, developed in 1853, brought enormous profits but destroyed much of the region's landscape.
Medicare provides medical assistance to senior citizens.
It was F. Scott Fitzgerald whom coined the term "Jazz Age"