It is observed that Sufi poets and philosophers have great impact on spread of Islam in Central Asia. Sufism is the mystical trend in Islam, where practitioners tend to focus on spiritual sessions. We don’t have the exact answer on why Sufism became highly entrenched in Central Asia. Back then, Sufism is also an important part of Islamic cultures in India, Anatolia, and South Asia. In Central Asia, traditional Islam is often practiced along with native cultures, creating what is called Folk Islam.
Serfs were bound to the land and to the lord of the manor.</span>
Conservadurismo es el nombre que se le da a las políticas políticas que enfatizan el valor de las tradiciones y costumbres y el progreso gradual en lugar de la revolución. Lo que se considera tradicional difiere de una sociedad a otra, por lo que las políticas conservadoras adoptan formas muy diferentes de un país a otro. Los conservadores de un país también pueden discutir sobre los valores básicos que deben mantenerse. Algunos conservadores quieren mantener el status quo mientras que otros buscan restaurar el status quo ante.
The “Reconstruction Amendments” passed by Congress between 1865 and 1870 abolished slavery, gave black Americans equal protection under the law, and granted suffrage to black men. ... The system of sharecropping allowed blacks a considerable amount of freedom as compared to slavery.
The statement is - False.
The Egyptians, from all types of social status, were believing that there are two lives, one is here on the Earth, and the other is up in the sky with the Gods, the afterlife. They took this very seriously, and it was extremely important for them to respect the Gods and how they live in their first life on the Earth, in order to manage to get a better place and respectable place in the afterlife.