So to Ulysses welcome set the sun; simile. epic simile. metaphor
bn.n btxzarunbbb was the one that was in a relationship iphelele with the questions 66inches of her time in a new York city school tomorrow I'm a little bit late ngimcelile to my mom and my mom is it possible to be careful with the fact she was not 5AM but she didn't have to sleep with me
c) Women and men should recieve equal bills.
In this novel, written by Mary Shelley, Victor Frankenstein studied with M. Waldman in Germany. This character (M. Waldman) states that anatomy is the branch of science that has more improvements so far and to come.
This part of the thesis would be considered the topic, more specifically it would be considered the <em>introduction of the topic to study</em> since the thesis revolves around, I assume, Isaac Newton and you are offering a brief 'summary' of his life and accomplishments.
However if the reason to mention Sir Isaac Newton is to support an idea or a statement this could be considered a subtopic. It is subjective and directly related to the field of study you're doing the thesis for.
Hope this helps!