To make the data appear more trustworthy to the reader
Luckily for our side, Jim was ready for the ball and easily caught it and tagged the runner out.
During the evaluation stage, the listeners provide verbal and nonverbal reactions while the remembering stage is where the listener categorizes and retains the information gathered from the speaker.
Generally, there are five stages of how a listener listens. Their names are Receiving, Understanding, Remembering, Evaluating and Responding.
These stages allow a person to gain information and later on use it. Listening can also be divided into four different types. Their names are Deep, Full, Critical and Therapeutic listening. Knowledge gained depends on what type of listening an individual has done.
Learn more about listeners here:
The passage lists a few things which would lend towards the idea of him being a monster. First, it says "god's anger bare he." referring, presumably, to the abrahamic god famous for his wrath, showing that Grendel was exhibiting intense rage. Second, it uses the sentence "The monster intended some one of earthmen in the hall-building grand to entrap and make way with" which, while a written a little backwards by today's grammar rules, says that he is planning to take hold of and kidnap some of the men in the hall, something only a monster could do.<span />
The climax is the turning point of the story a.k.a. its where the best parts usually are