The contributions in this publication reflect the opinions of their authors. They do not
necessarily reflect the opinions of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum or the United
States Holocaust Memorial Council.
Audio reproductions of these presentations as well as all other addresses, rebuttals, panel
moderator comments and exchanges with the audience are available upon request from
Academic Programs, Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, United States Holocaust Memorial
Museum. Audio materials are copyright © 1996 by the United States Holocaust Memorial
Its productive power was unmatched. This dominance ... Why Europe ruled the World .... So why did Europe achieve economic dominance? ..... ii) Germany did not have colonies, but did industrialise and become powerful.Trade was the driving force in making Europe into the dominant world power.Europe has been a backwater. Only around 500BC did Europe's southern fringe become an important part of the world,
Menelik II fought off Italians bent on taking his empire, but also oppressed and enslaved ethnic
Gold and other precious natural metals; silver and copper.