The triumph of the human spirit is used throughout literature, art, pop culture, and even religion about the incorporeal aspects of man that help him overcome his adversities and reach his goals. The idea is based on the notion that human beings face pain and suffering throughout their lives.
Answer and Explanation:
Do you agree or disagree with this point of view?
I disagree with this point of view.
Find evidence from the story to support or refute the student's claim. In your response, clarify why you agree or disagree with the student's thoughts.
Ravi is a character in the short story "Games at Twilight", by Anita Desai. He and his siblings are playing hide-and-seek when he decides to hide in the shed where old furniture and broken things are kept. Ravi is excited about the idea of winning the game. He is motivated by picturing himself as a champion who got to win over older, smarter kids. After hiding for hours, he comes out and runs to the "den" to become the desperate winner of a game that had been long over. His siblings had forgotten about him.
Upon this awful realization, Ravi feels completely isolated. He is obviously a young child who is still insecure about his place in the world. That's why he is so desperate to win - to prove something to himself and others. But the fact that he was forgotten is utterly disappointing and hurtful. He does not feel included; he does not want to be included anymore:
<em>And the arc of thin arms trembled in the twilight, and the heads were bowed so sadly, and their feet tramped to that melancholy refrain so mournfully, so helplessly, that </em><u><em>Ravi could not bear it. He would not follow them, he would not be included in this funereal game. He had wanted victory and triumph—not a funeral. But he had been forgotten, left out, and he would not join them now. The ignominy of being forgotten—how could he face it? He felt his heart go heavy and ache inside him unbearably. He lay down full length on the damp grass, crushing his face into it, no longer crying, silenced by a terrible sense of his insignificance.</em></u>
The next soliloquy Hamlet has after seeing the ghost of his father is in Act II, Scene ii after the players, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, have left him alone. In this soliloquy ("what a rogue and peasant slave am I"), Hamlet expresses his frustration with the fact that the actor could create tears in an instant about a fictional character, but he has lost his actual father and cannot even do anything about it. Through this he also decides on the plan to try and catch Claudius' guilt.
After Ralph’s tense, exciting stand against the hunters, the ending of Lord of the Flies is rife with irony. Ralph had thought the signal fire—a symbol of civilization—was the only way to lure rescuers to the island. Ironically, although it is indeed a fire that lures a ship to the island, it is not an ordered, controlled signal fire but rather the haphazard forest fire Jack’s hunters set solely for the purpose of killing Ralph
yes, because it is giving life or human qualities to something not human/ able to move