Scarcity is what forces you to make trade-offs. Suppose you have an economy that produces and consumes 2 products, A and B. In a world without scarcity, you have enough resources (land, machinery, raw materials, manpower) to produce as many of each product as you need/want. However, in a world with scarcity, you have a limited amount of production resources. You can produce, let's say, 10 A products or 10 B products, or a combination of both products with less than 10 products each. For every additional A product you produce (up to the max of 10), you have to produce less B products. This is a trade-off.
"libations offering milk and honey, then sweet wine, then pure water; over these scattered white barley meal - sacrifice a splendid barren heifer - precious gifts; the best black ram in all the flocks" Source:
You haven't listed the choices.
The correct one will be the number with the biggest absolute value ...
the biggest number when you take away all the plus, minus, BC,
BCE, AD, CE, and all that stuff. Just the biggest number, period.
The Wealthy Russian should express fear about the many things occurring across the country, namely the killing of the royal family, and how they could be next. Maybe even mention something about fleeing country. Many nobles and wealthy aristocracy fled to other nations.
The working class woman may express joy for the change. Sh would see hope in the new regime that promised to care for the workers. She would possibly have an easier better time of providing food and caring for her family. She could express a dislike for the killing, but she would not mention that to others in public.
Imperialism in China ended up with the sphere of influence, while European Imperialism in India ended up with the creation of Pakistan