A. becase "Parsimony" in a nutshell is to be really conservative of resources, in this case, Scrooge's sympathy would not be wasted on Tim.
What are the statements and can you please send the passage or a summery of the passage?
Answer: A narrative must be presented in written form
Answer: Intellectual disability is identified by problems in both intellectual and adaptive functioning. One can't always tell if a person has an intellectual disability by looking at them.
- Individually administered and psychometrically reliable, comprehensive, culturally relevant, and psychometrically sound IQ tests are used to assess intellectual performance.
- While a precise full-scale IQ test result is no longer required for diagnosis, standardized testing is employed in the process.
- A full-scale IQ score of 70 to 75 implies considerable intellectual functioning limitations.
- However, the IQ result must be read in light of the individual's challenges with general mental ability.
- Furthermore, subtest scores might fluctuate significantly, thus the full-scale IQ score may not adequately indicate total intellectual functioning.
- As a result, clinical judgment is required when evaluating IQ test results.
Reference: For further information, please refer to https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/intellectual-disability/what-is-intellectual-disability
In a decreasing cost industry, the long run supply curve is downward sloping since as output increases and new firms enter, production costs decline. The computer industry is an example of a downward sloping supply curve, since as the number of computers produced increased, the price of inputs, such as chips, decline.
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