class series
public static void[]
main[string args[]]
into, I, n=4;
system. out. print(d+",");
- agitator hacktivist
There are various terms which are described below:
activist cyber: when a person uses online campaigning by non-violation means like social media or other online platforms to create their activism is known as activist cyber.
agitator hacktivist: when a person uses illegal ways to bring change in political point by hacking or theft the information from the internet or bring the system down is known as agitator hacktivist.
ethical hacker: when a person uses legal ways to make a system safe from any type of malicious attack by removing the weakness of the system is known as the ethical hacker.
cybersquatter: when a person buys a domain name with the vision of selling it to the company needed it at very high prices, it is known as a cyber squatter.
so, according to the scenario the most appropriate answer is agitator hacktivist.