I don't really understand what you're trying to get at, maybe try to abbreviate a little more?
Document itself is a folder and is not a heading by the way.
Local simply means on the machine you are working and does not have default folders.
Desktop is name of screen which is used as a gateway for using windows.
So, they cannot be correct answers.
The answer is "Slide Sorter view". Some of the online courses say that all words must be spelled correctly and in the correct order, so if you don't have exactly what they want they will mark it as "wrong".
All of the Above
TDL professionals meet all of these options.
Of the different freeware and shareware programs available, two of the most popular are Xteq X-Start from Xteq Systems, and Startup Control Panel by Mike Lin. X-Start is a full-blown tweaking utility thats free for non-commercial use, and enables you to edit just about every element of a Windows system, including relevant startup and shutdown settings.