1. España - because it is in Europe, while both Uruguay and Paraguay are in South America.
2. La Paz - because it is the capital of Bolivia, while both Bogotá and Chile are countries.
3. Madrid -because it is the capital of Spain which is in Europe, while Lima is the capital of Perú and Asunción is the capital of Paraguay which are both located in South America.
4. Bolivia - Because Bolivia is located it South America, while both Honduras and Guatemala are both in Central America.
5. México - Because it is located in North America, while Colombia and Ecuador are in South America.
6. La Habana - Because it is the capital of Cuba, while Puerto Rico and Costa Rica are both countries.
Nosotros barremos el suelo "we sweep the floor."
Prendemos would mean "we light the ground," sacuden would mean "we shake the ground," and barren is the incorect verb form. Barren is used for ustedes, and in this situation we are reffering to ourselves and not somebody else.
You may want to write in English so we can understand what your trying to say !