Es importante aprender a programar, por que es el mismo de que alguen aregle su carro. En estos tiempos, la technolagia se ha convertido en la nueva normal. Va vinir el tiempo quando nosotros necesitamos que arreglar un linia de codigo en nuestras computadoras, y no esta necesario para pagar alguen que ellos lo agan. Como quando necesitas que poner una llanta nueva a tu carro. Tu lo puedes cambiar solo. Entonses como el ejemplo del carro, tu puedes arreglar el linia de codigo en la computadora sin pagar alguen por acerlo.
Information technology is inescapable in modern day life, turn on the coffee pot and there are tiny microprocessor inside. Start your automobile and every aspect of operation is controlled by dozens of computer control modules. The current mobile phone amazing power and speed for the user. Technology is transforming every aspect of our life. Nowever is this more apparent than our place of employment. Developing of it makes our family to live happy because it helps the members of family to spend their most time with their family. It helps us to communicate the family member who live far from their family. It is also used in house hold work. It's saves our time to do more better and better
initial = float(eval(input('Enter the monthly saving amount: ')))
x = (1 + 0.00417)
month_one = initial * x
month_two = (initial + month_one) * x
month_three = (initial + month_two) * x
month_four = (initial + month_three) * x
month_five = (initial + month_four) * x
month_six = (initial + month_five) * x
print('The sixth month value is: '+str(month_six))
Don't forget the saving amount, and initialize the balance with that amount. Inside the loop, work out and add the interest and then add the saving amount for the next month.
balance = 801
for month in range(6):
balance = balance * (1.00417)
Shortened versions of phrases Ex:(l ol, s mh, i dk, ect.)
Hope that this helps, if you have any more question please feel free to contact me, hope you have an amazing rest of your day. ;D
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