<span> A tissue or organ on which a hormone exerts its action; generally, a tissue or organ with appropriate receptors for a hormone</span>
Telling the truth can be very helpful for you and for future situations. Lying can get you into a lot of trouble. Little lies can also turn into big lies that never end. Even if it is hard to tell the truth in some stressful situations, you should. It will make people think of you as a trustworthy and loyal person. Some people might think that its ok to tell a little lie to not be hurtful. You can still tell the truth and phrase it in a way that won't be hurtful. Its selfish to lie in any situation.
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Studies show being isolated from others in solitude not only leads to depression but many other health factors. Regardless to what the studies show, I prefer companionship because it brings a different perspective/outlook to your life. They see things you may not see. They for the most part enjoy your company and take you serious. You can't laugh by yourself. I mean you could..but it's not the same...you know?