все, что ты скажешь, будет стоить
ты кусок дерьма ... но, однако, я знаю, что ты любишь девушку ... что ты будешь делать с Ханной ???
With one full swoop with her scissors, madame had mannaged to cut around 8 inches off of my brownish blonde hair. I sat there in silence as i watched the strads fall and hit the ground. I had not expected her to take off that much hair. I turned and looked in the mirror to see my hair, it was so uneven and choppy looking, my hair only reached to my jaw. Panic set in, without knowing, I beagan to cry.
"do you not like it?" madame said curriously.
"no i HATE it."
"well, if you dont like the look, you might like the price ill pay for the hair i cut." madame said happily. i just sat and waited for the price. "ill pay 250 for this hair of yours. that will be enugh to buy you 4 wigs." she said. But, i didnt want the wigs i wanted my hair back. i agreed and took the money........
(i dont know how to end this, so you will have to come up with the ending, and sorry for the typos. please let me know if this is okay or not, and keep me updated for the ending you put!!)
Eu começaria sendo simpático e respeitoso e diria "Oi, mãe e pai. Eu trabalhei muito e acho que mereço um carro novo". Ou você pode comprar seu próprio carro.
I would start off by being nice and respectful and say" Hi mom and dad. I have worked really hard and i think i deserve a new car". Or you can buy your own car.
Paglililo is a Filipino term with an English translation
of ‘treachery’ or ‘betrayal’. In this word, it could further mean a person
doing harm on another person (especially when he/she trusts you) or his country
for his own beneficence.
Example sentence would be:
Ang paglililo ni Ben kay Ana ay nakapagdulot nang
sunod sunod na hindi magandang pangyayari sa buhay niya.
In English language:
<span>Ben’s treachery (or betrayal) towards Ana, had
caused her to experience series of unfortunate events in her life.</span>
ماذا يعني لنذهب؟ دعونا نذهب هو تعبير يستخدم بشكل مختلف وعلى نطاق واسع لاتخاذ إجازة، وإظهار الإثارة، والهتاف، والتعبير عن نفاد الصبر، أو تحدي شخص ما.
نأمل أن يساعد هذا