The spanish regents is extremely easy and is 70 percent multiple choice, 10 percent short-answer (2 100 word paragraphs) and 20 percent verbal (which you should have covered earlier on.)
As long as you can read spanish, and take away the meaning of what it's telling you, you'll be able to pass.
QUESTION 3 John made footwear and, at a certain point, made a 30% sale price reduction. This generated an increase in sales of around 50%. The production worked at full steam, but it did not work.
A: look up a book in a library
3 years have passed since I was alone Even the cityscape has changed But why are you leaving only the unskilled There is no really good guy Remove the matching ring I'm sorry It looks like an idiot even if you wait No no no no no I like you too much No matter how strong the liquor is Undistorted memories are like idiots There is no really good guy Remove the matching ring I'm sorry What's this tear like an idiot