These lines of poetry from "Totally like whatever, you know?" are most likely stated as a question for what purpose? "In case yo
u hadn't noticed, it has somehow become uncool to sound like you know what you're talking about?" To make fun of the manner of speaking that the writer is criticizing
To show that questions can be formed in any situation
To emphasize the speaker's uncertainty
To show that the speaker does not know how to use punctuation
The answer is: To make fun of the manner of speaking that the writer is criticizing
“Totally like whatever, you know?” is a poem written by Taylor Mali to criticize the current society, complaining about how now “it is not cool” to express our thoughts or being smart, how the way of speaking now is has become pretty much as the messages we writte.
I have expirienced a new arival, a little sister (adopted). I thought I was always going to be an only child. My new little sister bacicaly ruind my life. I overcame it by getting to know her. We are really good friends now. We have a lot more in common than you would think.