no its predation, competition, cooperation
i just did it
Answer: Option A
As temperature increases the rate of enzyme activity increases until it reaches approximately 37 degrees Celsius. As temperature increases beyond 37 degrees Celsius, the enzyme activity decreases. The activity decreases because the enzyme denatures.
Any enzyme has certain temperature, pH and pressure to maintain its activity. Only at the ideal or ambient parameters the enzyme works. Most of the enzymes that are present in the human body gets activated by 37 degrees and gets denatured beyond that temperature.
A forest station can be a base in a forest where people monitors different biological aspects, like the fauna and the flora of their interest. For example, a forest station can be useful for monitorin endangered species.
In plants, photosynthesis, occurring in chloroplasts, is an anabolic (bond-building) process whereby CO2 and H2O combine with the use of light (photon) energy. This yields O2 and sugar (i.e. glucose). This occurs in 2 phases: light-dependent and dark (Calvin cycle) reactions, which both continually recycle ADP/ATP and NADP/NADPH.
The catabolic (bond-breaking) process in plants is cellular respiration, in which glucose is broken down with O2 by glycolysis (cytoplasm only) and mitochondrial reactions (Krebs cycle and E.T.C.) to yield CO2 and H2O. These reactions recycle ADP/ATP and NAD/NADH. The CO2 and water produced by cellular respiration feed into the photosynthetic processes, and in turn, the O2 and glucose resulting from photosynthesis supply the respiratory reactions.
the diagram shows the body structures that are similar though in different species due to common ancestry, this evidence is comparative anatomy.