Stringer beads, you "drag" or "pull" (it's basically a stitch or a continuous weld) and a weaving bead, you literally move left and right over and over, lapping over the previous weld slightly until you go down the entire area you wish you weld.
-Bead is actually the deposited filler metal on and in the work surface when the wire or electrode is melted and fused into the steel.
<h2>String beads
This is a straightforward bead in which the torch is either pulled or pushed across the joint with minimal in side-to-side movement. This enables maximum penetration and a robust-looking weld.
<h2>Weave Beads
In case of wider welds, a welder can weave from side to side along a joint. For a fat joint, weaving is the fastest way to knock off a welding project. This bead is especially used in case of groove welds on thick stock. Weaves are also common on fillet welds.